Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kobe Beef.

I'm trying to come up with a way to explain this. I could say that it's the best meal that I've ever had. I could say that I will never have meat of this quality again. I could say that this changed the way I think about food, and that it was a nigh religious experience. I could say that it was a hundred dollar meal that was worth every penny of a hundred dollars.

And while all those things would be true, none of them really describe the meal I was served this afternoon. Words fail to translate into appropriate feeling and flavor. I can only say that out of any culinary niche you may encounter, this is unique, and I encourage anyone who is ever in Kobe to prepare their palate, fork out a lot of money, and take this experience into your life.


Blogger amber said...

yeah, that's what i've heard from people. it's so weird that beef can make people toungue-tied. i mean, it's just beef, right?

4:50 PM  

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