So, two big news points, one, the power cord on Kraigh`s laptop died. power cord on Kraigh`s laptop died. With the invaluable help of the grad students here, Iwas able to order one from the Japanese Del site (the american one will only ship to America, go figure) . So, for the next week I`m on this spiffy Japanese-formatted computer they have. Don:t get me wrong, it was really nice of them to let me borrow this. It is just that,, well, the computer has subtlties that are a bit irksome. Like most of the commands are written in Katakana. That in and of itself is ok, but the Keyboard also has the entire katakana alphabet, and every time I try to use a contraction time I try to use a contraction (specifically, and apostrophe), the machine does this wierd copy/paste thing, and every now and then, I lock it into `type only katakana` mode, that I have to figure out how to undo.
Nevertheless, the alternative is no computer, and thus I won`t complain. This is computer, and thus I won`t complain. This is a really nice/new machine, too :)
But enough of that. My older pictures are on the laptop, and so updates on the welcome party and such will have to wait. But what I do have are pictures of where I was this weekend. Some of you will have no idea what I:m talking about. Others will think I:m bonkers for being so exited about it. But those few who truely understand, the nerds among you, will truely appreciate the opportunity I experienced.
The tokyo game show was last weekend. The largest gathering of console/computer entertainment in existence since E3 got axed.
It was pretty awesome. It would have been a bit more enjoyable had I spoken Japanese, but enjoyable nonetheless. And I can also tell Jordan Salis that I was there, and possibly come out ahead in our longstanding fued as to which one of us is the biggest geek. But anyway, things that stood out at the show.
1- Open to the public means the place is rediculous crowded. There were even 15 minute lines to get into the souvineir stores.
1b even with the mass of people, there was nearly enough gamming stuff for everyone. Pure, distilled electronic joy.
2-I must buy Hellgate-london. The game looked amazing, and will probably be cheap to boot.
3- I have a picture with bomberman. Nuff said.
3b- I also have my picture with a playstation 3. And, even if it:s overpriced, that:s still awesome.
4-I have now seen firstand this strange phenomenon that is cosplay (where `normal` people dress up like video game characters for fun), These people are hard core,, some of them had color contacts so that thier eyes matched the character they were dressed up as. I recognized many of them(especially the die hard final fantasy 7 ,, I think there were only 3 cloud/sephiroth`s, surprizingly)
5-I have no sense of direction whatsoever, and regardless of how sure you are that you leave the convention center on time, it does you no good if it takes you a half hour to find the place you were meeting up with everyone afterwards. Yes, not only did I take the up with everyone afterwards. Yes, not only did I take the wrong exit out, I:m pretty sure I crossed the river over the wrong bridge as well, and backtracked several times. Sorry Chris/Dane. Many, many thanks to matsamoto for getting us two tickets to the show, and helping us find the way there. I am a bit envious you were able to go friday, but more power to ya- hope you had an awesome time :)

Nevertheless, the alternative is no computer, and thus I won`t complain. This is computer, and thus I won`t complain. This is a really nice/new machine, too :)
But enough of that. My older pictures are on the laptop, and so updates on the welcome party and such will have to wait. But what I do have are pictures of where I was this weekend. Some of you will have no idea what I:m talking about. Others will think I:m bonkers for being so exited about it. But those few who truely understand, the nerds among you, will truely appreciate the opportunity I experienced.
The tokyo game show was last weekend. The largest gathering of console/computer entertainment in existence since E3 got axed.
It was pretty awesome. It would have been a bit more enjoyable had I spoken Japanese, but enjoyable nonetheless. And I can also tell Jordan Salis that I was there, and possibly come out ahead in our longstanding fued as to which one of us is the biggest geek. But anyway, things that stood out at the show.
1- Open to the public means the place is rediculous crowded. There were even 15 minute lines to get into the souvineir stores.
1b even with the mass of people, there was nearly enough gamming stuff for everyone. Pure, distilled electronic joy.
2-I must buy Hellgate-london. The game looked amazing, and will probably be cheap to boot.
3- I have a picture with bomberman. Nuff said.
3b- I also have my picture with a playstation 3. And, even if it:s overpriced, that:s still awesome.
4-I have now seen firstand this strange phenomenon that is cosplay (where `normal` people dress up like video game characters for fun), These people are hard core,, some of them had color contacts so that thier eyes matched the character they were dressed up as. I recognized many of them(especially the die hard final fantasy 7 ,, I think there were only 3 cloud/sephiroth`s, surprizingly)
5-I have no sense of direction whatsoever, and regardless of how sure you are that you leave the convention center on time, it does you no good if it takes you a half hour to find the place you were meeting up with everyone afterwards. Yes, not only did I take the up with everyone afterwards. Yes, not only did I take the wrong exit out, I:m pretty sure I crossed the river over the wrong bridge as well, and backtracked several times. Sorry Chris/Dane. Many, many thanks to matsamoto for getting us two tickets to the show, and helping us find the way there. I am a bit envious you were able to go friday, but more power to ya- hope you had an awesome time :)

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