So a huge hole in my life has been filled! Most people who know me realise that I have a certain,, affinity for flour products. For me, they break down into two main catagories: baked goods and spagettii (noodles). Now Japan has noodles aplenty (most aren`t wheat, but close enough). However, the majority of thier baked goods are well, different. They like to do random stuff, like put sweet bean paste in the middle of them, or make cookies out of rice paste. Now this stuff is good and all, but, well,, ok, I miss cookies and sweet bread and things made out of yeast and flour and eggs and sugar. No longer. I bought first picture on a whim. I figured something that large had to have some kind of bean/rice/something else paste in it, but hey, it was a dollar. We`ll try it. Weeellll, not only was it some of the best, softest dough I`ve ever had in a prepackaged product, but do you see the second picture? Yes, that`s chocolate!! I soon discovered that my find was a variation on a popular sweet bread roll shown in the third picutre (no chocolate inside, as shown, but it really doesn`t need it,, it`s pretty awesome). It`s sweet, yeasty, floury, wonderful bread. Now keep in mind, I know bread. I`ve had the rolls at the vanician inn (with honey/butter goodness, when they were hot out of the oven, yum). Not to toot my own horn, but the cinnammon rolls my mother makes (and I have as well) are pretty amazing. I`ve tasted zucini bread and Easter bread, and can make both. Notwithstanding, I must say that by the time I found a bakery that made them fresh, I`d found some of the best bread I`ve ever eaten, hands down. Soft, almoast doughy inside with a sweet (but not too sweet) crispty outer layer. A labmate just came in and told me it`s called `mellon bread`. I`ve eaten like 7 of these things in the last two days and I did`t even know what they were called. Now, off to the depths of the internet- I must find this recipie*!!
*including, but not limited to, the chocolate variation.

*including, but not limited to, the chocolate variation.